Dispute Resolution

DIFC and ADGM Courts

The U.A.E. is unique in the sense that it has both English and Arabic platforms for Dispute Resolution. There are both Common Law and Civil Law Courts in the U.A.E. for resolving disputes. The Dubai International Financial Centre Courts (DIFC Courts) and Abu Dhabi Global Market Courts (ADGM Courts) operate in English on a Common Law platform and have presiding judges from the U.A.E. as well as other Common Law jurisdictions. We are registered with both the DIFC and ADGM Courts and have an active practice before the said Courts representing clients in disputes related to construction, real estate development, banking and finance.


The Firm has an active arbitration practice and represents clients in ad hoc and institutional arbitrations under the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the DIFC-LCIA and the Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation & Arbitration Centre (ADCCAC).

Litigation before the Arabic Courts

The Firm has associations with several specialized U.A.E. nationality advocates who act as Lead Counsel on all dispute resolution cases before the Arabic Courts. With our in depth understanding of the U.A.E. Laws and Practices combined with our knowledge of International Commerce, Laws and Practices we are uniquely poised to manage sensitive cases before U.A.E. Courts in house in association with U.A.E. nationality Advocates.